Walk the Walk


There is much being said about women in leadership roles these days.  It’s not a new concept no matter how the media chooses to spin it.  From the beginning of time women have been leading and influencing change in their communities, their cultures and across the globe.  Today, more than ever, leadership calls on the best qualities from all of us that choose to lead. 

Emerging Women NC is helping redefine leadership that is more inclusive, compassionate, loving and diverse. By shining a light on women across the state who embody these values and by inspiring other women through workshops, forums and speaking engagements, we are modeling the change for the better and that is impacting our communities. our nation and our global neighbors. Inclusive, ethical leadership understands values and embraces integrity no matter the political, economical or social climate.  Across the state and the nation women are stepping forward as inclusive leaders, ready and willing to walk the walk towards a better future for us all.

Our Creed

I am an Emerging Women NC Community Leader.
I am a student and a teacher, fully engaged in the process of daily learning.
I am a woman who considers the impact of my actions and intentions so that I do no harm.
I am open to experiencing the emergence of self and others.
I am aware that I have gifts and talents, and I seek daily opportunities to share them.
I am transparent in truth, continuously evolving towards a more genuine way of being.
I am freed when I release my need to be right.
I am unencumbered by the fear of differences.
I am steeped in compassion, accepting others without judgment.
I embrace my place alongside my sisters as we transform lives by enriching the world.
I am an Emerging Women NC Community Leader.

Your Are Invited...

Write Us

Connect to us  by filling out the form below. We’d love to hear from you and if you’d like, we will add you to our quarterly newsletter mailing list.


Follow Us

We truly make an effort to post engaging material on our Facebook and LinkedIn.  It’s also a wonderful place to share your knowledge and experience with the rest of the women out there.


Join US

Help us redefine leadership by bringing “Walk The  Walk” programs and events to your organization.  You can also be a part of our monthly “Call To Lead” phone conference with other women leaders like yourself. Through out the year we launch gatherings that are intimate and small so that everyone feels valued, heard and included.


Help US

Let us know of women out there that are making a positive impact in your organizations and communities.  We’d love to recognize them on our social media. They deserve it!





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